2011年12月14日 星期三

Improv Everywhere: Suicide Jumper

Improve Everywhere - Food Court Musical


LIPDUB - I Gotta Feeling (Comm-UQAM 2009)

"This LipDub has been produced during the integration week of UQAM (Quebec, Canada) with 172 communication students. Made on September 10th 2009 in 2h15min."

Train - Hey, Soul Sister - LIPDUB UVic University (Official)


[Improve Everywhere] Say Something Nice

[The Big Picture] Homelessness around the world

[The Big Picture] Homelessness around the world

"Boston conducted its 32nd census of the city’s homeless population earlier this week. A report to the United Nations in 2005 stated there were an estimated 100 million homeless people in the world, and an additional 1.6 billion living without adequate housing. Here are some images of homelessness across the globe, collected from wire images this year. -- Lloyd Young (31 photos total)"


2011年12月4日 星期日

«« 你敢看這個臉書影片嗎? WeReport– 調查報導,公眾委製。You support, they report。

WeReport– 調查報導,公眾委製。You support, they report。

"We-Report 調查報導公眾委製平台,如同它的描述:「You support, we report。讓讀者贊助報導者、讓報導者滿足讀者 共同努力,推進優質新聞的生產和流通」是一個讓大家可以捐款給某個特定的有潛力的深度報導議題,讓有 意願進行深度調查但苦無資源的記者或相關從業人員,有足夠的資金和支援,可以實際進行報導,從另一個角度看,它也算是對報導議題做了個前置調查– 在資源不足,無法做太多冷門深度調查的情形下,將有限的資源做最好的運用。調查前,可以蒐集調查資源,確立議題被關注的程度,調查完成後,也已經有一定的 觀眾幫助散播。"
- 圖文 from Mr./Ms. Days (MMDays)
