2012年2月14日 星期二

Jason Mraz - The World As I See It

Jason Mraz - The World As I See It - Lyrics

the world as i see it
is a remarkable place
a beautiful house in a forest
of stars in outer space
from a birds eye view
i can see it has a well-rounded personality
from a birds eye view, i can see
we are family
it's not hard for me to love you
hard for me to love you
no it's not a difficult thing

it's not hard for me to love you
hard for me to love you
because you are the world to me
yeah the world as i see it
is a remarkable place
every man makes a difference
and every mothers child is a saint

from a birds eye view i can see
we are spiralling down in gravity
from a birds eye view i can see
you are just like me

it's not hard for me to love you
hard for me to love you
no it's not a difficult thing

it's not hard for me to love you
hard for me to love you unconditionally
no it's not hard for me to love you
hard for me to love you
no it's not a difficult thing
it's not hard for me to love you
hard for me to love you
because you are the world to me.

you are the mountain
you are the rock
you are the cord
and you're the spark
you are the eagle
you are the lark
you are the world
and you're remarkable
you're the ocean eating the shore
you are the calm inside the storm
you're every emotion, you can endure
you are the world, the world is yours

it's not hard for me to love you
hard for me to love you unconditionally
no it's not hard for me to love you
hard for me to love you
no it's not a difficult thing
it's not hard for me to love you
hard for me to love you
because you are the world to me.

no it's not hard for me to love you
hard for me to love you no it's not a difficult thing.
it's not hard for me to love you hard for me to love you
no it's not hard for me to love you
hard for me to love you
no it's not a difficult thing
it's not hard for me to love you
hard for me to love you
because you are the world to me.
yeah the world as i see it, is a remarkable place


In Search of Incredible - by Jason Mraz

The Incredible Zen Drummers

"Jason's search takes him to Taiwan, where he meets the astonishing Zen drummers in their beautiful mountain retreat above Taipei. The drummers live and breathe their art in contemplative surroundings, practising for many years until the troupe performs as one in mind, body and spirit."

In Search of Incredible: The Incredible Surfer

Jason Mraz Introduces In Search of Incredible


2012年2月12日 星期日

This Will Destroy You - The Mighty Rio Grande

This Will Destroy You - The Mighty Rio Grande from Gerard Coleman on Vimeo.

"This is something new I've been working on along the same lines of one of my previous editing experiments. It features time lapsed footage of the earth in various climates and from various heights."


台北傍晚 好天氣



Alexi Murdoch - All Of My Days

"Some random footage shot in Fall 2009.
Absolutely beautiful song by Alexi Murdoch."


Well I have been searching all of my days
All of my days
Many a road, you know
I’ve been walking on
All of my days
And I’ve been trying to find
What’s been in my mind
As the days keep turning into night
Well I have been quietly standing in the shade
All of my days
Watch the sky breaking on the promise that we made
All of this rain
And I’ve been trying to find
What’s been in my mind
As the days keep turning into night
Well many a night I found myself with no friends standing near
All of my days
I cried aloud
I shook my hands
What am I doing here
All of these days
For I look around me
And my eyes confound me
And it’s just too bright
As the days keep turning into night
Now I see clearly
It’s you I’m looking for
All of my days
Soon I’ll smile
I know I’ll feel this loneliness no more
All of my days
For I look around me
And it seems He found me
And it’s coming into sight
As the days keep turning into night
As the days keep turning into night
And even breathing feels all right
Yes, even breathing feels all right
Now even breathing feels all right
It’s even breathing
Feels all right


讓世界充滿 愛 :台北篇

2012年2月2日 星期四

Time-lapse Camp Nou- Barça vs Osasuna

[推薦好文] 數位時代的認知





"第三個數位時代最大的影響就是人越來越不需要背誦,但在William James的眼中他一直都認為,記憶的關鍵並非記得多少內容,而是能夠知道要去哪邊找到這些知識 (William James made little distinction between knowing a fact by memory and simply knowing where to find it)"

"有研究者做了很有趣的實驗,他們想知道當實驗參與者遇到一個困難的問題時,他們是否會對於電腦/網路有較高的激發,換句話說,就是當遇到困難問題時,腦中是否已經在構思要google一下:p 他們使用了一個心理學的經典實驗(Stroop實驗),他們請實驗參與者念出不同的字是用甚麼顏色呈現的,結果發現當遇到困難問題時,若要念出電腦相關詞彙的顏色,反應時間較慢,顯示他們的注意力被電腦相關的詞彙所吸引了。"


大支 - 人 (feat. 達賴喇嘛)


( 達賴喇嘛 綠度母心咒 )

有個小女生讀國三 因為期末成績沒過關
於是在老師的茶杯裡頭參藥 讓新婚的老師流產

動物園把嚇到一直抖 活生生的一頭牛
丟進不斷嘶吼的獅群之後 人們開心的觀賞餵食秀
阿富汗中毒的大地草原 要三百年才能完成掃雷
倒楣的小朋友在上課途中跑追 超越同學時一條腿只剩慢跑鞋

加薩走廊的街景 有坦克在前進 地上有像屍體的灰燼
納粹逼猶太的音樂家小提琴琴師 動作一致的拉著小提琴
若無其事很有氣質的 送同胞進去毒氣室

軍隊訓練一位又一位才十幾歲 離家沒幾夜的娃娃兵拿起AK
南亞海嘯過後 第二天的白晝 旅行團就踩過 層層屍體出發往普吉島打小白球
人類怎麼了 那五官和眼神都變得好陌生
人類怎麼了 親愛的達賴喇嘛 請告訴我們
( 達賴喇嘛 綠度母心咒 )


我們在赤道建造出直達天際 能看到地球弧度的太空電梯
我們能計算出公式到蟲洞的彼端 小叮噹的時光機已經完成了一半
但海地人民還是沒有米飯 還是吃著泥土做的餅乾

我們都已經從黑白螢幕看到了3D的影片 但我們的軍隊還是一遍一遍 攻擊著醫院
我們都已經佔領了月球 帶回了上面的石頭 但我們還是一樣沒變過 還是搶著鑽石和石油

我們甚至已經找到上帝的分子 我們能夠模擬到 137億年前宇宙形成時的十億分之一秒
但我們還是什麼都不做 就這樣一直這樣

親愛的達賴喇嘛 請教我接下來該怎麼唱
( 達賴喇嘛 綠度母心咒 )

我們好像趕著回家 對地球不斷的殘害追殺
或許救地球得把人類結紮 那麼久了還是不改變嗎?

'可憐的船長阿 為你發現的世界 像主禱告吧'

人類會不會真的毀滅地球 哈 古文明不是已經有到過地平線和時間的盡頭

你看我們帶來什麼改變 北極冰層即將全部再見
北極熊要游的距離太遠 精疲力盡淹死浮在海面

但我們也是能改變的 看那避免的核戰 銷毀的核彈
看猶太人阿拉伯人打了百年的戰後 開始握手和談

看那些去非洲的醫生 看全世界在同一時間熄燈

那樣再多的迷惘 再多的烏雲也一樣 無法將陽光抵擋
我們一起遙望的那山巔 還是有夢有雪的地方
( 達賴喇嘛 綠度母心咒 )


2012年2月1日 星期三

大支 - 最後的早晨

這首歌在講流浪貓 流浪狗

