2012年4月26日 星期四

Transcendence Music Video - Lindsey Stirling

There's a comment:
"Basically, it's about overcoming what society wants you to be, and not being afraid to express yourself. In the beginning of the vid, she is being controlled by the man who represents "society". However, she learns she can be herself and breaks away from society's control (the part where she's not part of the projection). The message is simple and meaningful, yet something we have a problem following. Check out her behind the scenes video!!"


Shadows - Lindsey Stirling

2012年4月17日 星期二

做事必須搞清10個順序 - 李嘉誠

Upular (Pixar Remix)

轉錄自這篇文章網路上的Remix王者:Nick Bertke「POGO」


本身就是網友起家的Nick Bertke,在網路上的名字「POGO」從早期幾乎沒什麼人知道,到現在這一個單字就等同電影Remix大師,POGO所選的電影都是一時之選,最少一定會有知名度,而且以奇幻、溫馨的題材居多(你幾乎可以從他選擇的電影知道作者有多稚氣,而且童心未泯),也因為這些電影的基調非常可愛,所以混起來的電子音樂也大多充滿活潑和跳動。"
