2012年3月24日 星期六

Start With The Body 2010,Taipei / Chou Shu-Yi 周書毅

"從身體出發 / 2010,3,Taipei
《Start with the Body》 ( first pemier in 2008 at HK )

Feel the existence of the body and time, move to feel, discover, go back and forth, think about all possibilities in the body and in your life, then live in the moment.


從身體出發 在一場17分鐘的思考過程
在有限的時間裡 問答
問身體 問空間 時間 也問舞蹈的現在 同時 也不斷的回答

tart with the body, in these 17-minutes thinking processes.
Within the limited time frame, question and answer -
ask the body, ask the space, the time, and also ask the existance of dance;
at the same time answer, continuously.

Choreographer / Dancer: Chou Shu-yi (Taiwan)
Music by : Yannick Dauby - recordings of two european birds / David Lang -child"



